The US War on Drugs is a Perverse Charade of Injustice Wreaking Havoc Upon the Most Vulnerable Among Us.

The Drug War is the biggest disaster in American policy in the last 50 years. It divides everyone around “appropriate” drugs and “bad” drugs and makes the pharmaceutical companies the arbiters of legality. It’s a big scam that the politicians whipped up in order to kill the 1960s consciousness revolution that was being primarily fomented by young hippies, artists, queer people, and people of color. We have selected these people out of our society and into for-profit prisons at our own peril. We surgically removed the heart from our society, and now we are seeing the results.

I use “inappropriate” drugs to treat my fibromyalgia and concomitant anxiety, because I tried most of the legal ones, and they didn’t work. Now I have to deal with navigating the trenches of social war that were carved by ignorant bias as part of a larger plan to divide and conquer. I have to defend that which needs no defense. I have become some sort of outlaw just because I don’t want to deal with crippling and painful symptoms brought on by decades of chronic trauma. Also, as a human being I have the right to experiment on my own body as I see fit. There was no such thing in America as drug prohibition until the early 20th century.

There is no such thing as a bad drug. There are only drugs used inappropriately or compulsively. When certain drugs became illegal, they immediately became more dangerous because the people supplying the drugs were incentivized to make the drugs more potent so that they would be smaller and harder to detect when transporting. This has turned drugs that used to be rather difficult to overdo into highly concentrated bombs. Also, because the drugs are sold on the street, users have a very difficult time knowing the potency of the drug, and therefore can overdose more easily.

Lastly, psychedelic drugs are some of the most safe drugs known to humanity, and yet they are some of the most villainized. In the 1970s Timothy Leary was probably the most well known advocate for the usage of psychedelics in a clinical setting to overcome mental health difficulties, and then-President Richard Nixon labeled him “the most dangerous man in America” because of his lectures. It has always been obvious that drugs are a proxy weapon for the larger culture war between the dying system of white supremacist patriarchy and a system of true human equality. Psychedelics can open your mind to this corruption in American society, and this terrified those in power.

This is just the beginning of what there is to say about this morbid joke of a policy called the Drug War. That’s what I’m thinking about today.

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