What is Christ Consciousness and how do you find it?

There is a higher form of being available to humans that has been called Christ consciousness or Buddha mind, but most people do not experience it because their lives never fall apart. This is what the ancients meant when they said that one must first die to experience eternal life.

What does Christ consciousness feel like? It is peace in knowing that one has always been and will always be. Our bodies, minds, and spirits are merely energy, and energy can never be destroyed, only transmuted. This understanding can be seen just as you can see these words. One can touch the eternal absolute if one is able to strip away all falsehood and let the artifice of this confused life fall away.

Often death is our best friend, but we are taught to fight death with all of our obsessive might. Eventually our civilization will crumble as it is already starting to do so. This is because it is sick and needs to die. But death is only transformation. Even when you die the big death at the end of your human life, you will just become pure spirit and realize this human body was just a suit of clothing that had become tattered. I look forward to death as a great adventure, but I also know that on Earth there is a great opportunity to do spiritual work that cannot be done anywhere else. This work must be done and if one decides to avoid the hard work of persevering on Earth, one will return for another go.

These words are not meant to make you enlightened or automatically give you Christ consciousness. They are just my story, an affirmation that it is possible. Words, no matter how eloquent, cannot hold the truth of the eternal divine reality. That truth must be energetically received directly from spirit. Words are crude tools, like a computer modem from 1992 trying to download a Blu-Ray movie. There is a broadband connection in your being that can download high resolution movies straight from God’s movie studio. But most people put their attention on language or other tools, missing the tool that gets installed at birth: the third eye visionary complex in our mind.

Countless humans run around saying that they have seen God when really they have only seen an extremely low-resolution animated GIF they downloaded on their modem from 1992. If only they could see the high resolution version. How does one know if they have witnessed the true being of the infinite divine? When you see it you realize the stupidity of words; you see how words try to fit an ocean in a teacup. After this, one loses the seeking desperation and realizes there is nowhere to escape to and nothing to find. Fear ceases to be a real concept as time is seen to be not real. A sense of peace pervades one’s being and one realizes that love is the only answer and other humans are the closest thing to God around, even when they are stuck in delusion.

May you have a day of peace. If you choose love and acceptance over control and domination, your life will change accordingly. It might not change overnight, but love attracts love like a magnet. Our collective magnet has been polarized to control and domination, and so we have a world of control and domination. Even if the world is a bubble of fearful control, separation, and domination, if one polarizes one’s internal magnet to acceptance, love, and joy, a bubble of love will surround you. If you continue creating this bubble of love and acceptance, one day you will be a star, for a star is pure love and light.

But love is fundamental. Fear and control is a setting that can work to provide order, so it appears to be an option. There is divinity in the light AND the dark. A world without shadows has no substance. But we can move towards the darkness or the light. I have seen the darkness. It is lonely and stressful and requires one to constantly manipulate others, so I choose the light. But it is a path, not an end. Darkness dwells within us all here on Earth. And darkness is God as well, so it is deserving of our light and love.

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